
The fifth book written by journalist-turned-politician Rabindra Mishra, ‘Bichaar Bhanda Mathi Desh’, is going to be published soon. FinePrint Books will soon be making the book available in the market.
In his book ‘Bichaar Bhanda Mathi Desh’, writer Mishra has pitched for re-establishment of constitutional monarchy, turning Nepal into a Hindu-Buddhist state.
In a press statement, he said, even though secularism and federalism are not principally wrong, these two schools of thought are harmful for the long-term benefit of Nepal as the internal politics of Nepal is getting more sensitive with each passing day.
“It is not enough for some topics to be good in principles only. It should identify with the ground reality,” he said. "If we look at Nepal in terms of historical mistakes and future challenges, then there is no alternative to accept Prithvi Narayan Shah's ‘Divya Upadesh’ and BP Koirala's 'Rastriya Ekata Ra Melmilaap Niti’ (Policy of National Unity and Reconciliation).
“If the generation above us had not been self-centered and had done nation-centered politics, the situation of the country's economy, urban market and self-respect would not have been so critical today. Around 60-70 million youths would not be forced to go abroad," Mishra wrote in the book.
"Campaign of political cleansing"
He added: "Politics done by focusing only on one's convenience, benefits, position, prestige, and the upcoming elections is treason. There are many other things that can be done in life for oneself, there is no need to do politics. Politics is for the country. Therefore, I raised these topics by thinking about Nepal after at least 30 years."
Mishra has mentioned that all royalties received from this book will go to the "campaign of political cleansing".
Last year, as the President of Bibeksheel Sajha Party, he demanded the abolishment of federalism and secularism in the country. He had published a document for 'debate and discussion' stating that a referendum on the abolition of federalism and secularism is essential for Nepal.
The royalty amount of his other three books were given to Miteri Foundation, an organisation that is working for the welfare of impoverished Chepang community members.