Nepal Minute - out of the ordinary


The Nepal Railway Company has been spending over Rs 50 million every year for washing the train being operated along the Jayanagar-Kurtha railway. 

It has been reported that the company lacks its own washing centre and has to receive washing service in India. 

"We are compelled to get the rail washed in India as we do not have our own washing centre and fuel centre", said Niranjan Kumar Jha, the general manager of NRC, adding, "We have spent more than Rs 50 million annually for the service". 

Jha further said: "We have to pay 28 per cent tax while filling up fuel in India. With this, we are compelled to spend a huge chunk of money every year". 

"The company can make an annual surplus amounting to Rs 70 million if we can establish our own washing centre and fuel centre", claimed Jha.- RSS

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