Nepal Minute - out of the ordinary


A large number of yaks in the pastureland in Disyang Rural Municipality in Manang have fallen ill and at least 30 died after an outbreak of unknown disease.

Chief of Veterinary Hospital and Livestock Services Expert Centre, Manang, Narayan Kusum said that a team of livestock technicians have visited the site for the treatment of the disease after the issue was noticed.

The yaks have developed the symptoms of high fever, maximum salivation, difficulty in breathing, swollen throat and some others. So far 30 yaks have died of the disease.

Based on the symptoms, the technicians have suspected the spread of foot and mouth disease. But the actual cause would be known only after results of blood and bone marrow tests are received from Kathmandu, according to Kusum.

Veterinarians have continued their surveillance as the yaks are still sick in the pastureland.

However, Chief of the Laboratory Kedar Raj Pandey said the disease is not confirmed yet adding that yak dung was needed to confirm whether or not foot and mouth disease had spread in Manang.

He suspected the disease could have spread as a result of leech bite which is common in the rainy season. – RSS

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