Nepal Minute - out of the ordinary


A proposal has been forwarded to shift eight highly disaster-prone settlements of Jumla district to safer places.

In a meeting of the District Disaster Management Committee organised on Wednesday, Purna Prasad Dhital and Laxman Shahi, the Chairpersons of Sinja and Hima rural municipalities, respectively, put forth the proposal

In the meeting, Dhital said that Jodu, Tallo Bhadgaon, Chulelgaun and Ghodenga settlements in Sinja rural municipality have to be shifted immediately.

Shahi also proposed to relocate Mophla and Patarkhola settlements in Hima rural municipality at the earliest.

Ghodesin village in Tila rural municipality is also at high risk of landslide, rural municipality chair Motilal Rokaya said. He also warned of a big disaster if the settlement is not relocated immediately.

Likewise, Barkote settlement in Kanakasundari rural municipality is also at high risk of landslide.

The Jumla District Administration Office is preparing to provide relief to around 300 disaster-affected households in the district.

As many as 85 houses have suffered complete damage while 200 houses are partly damaged due to incessant rain over the last six days.



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