American singer of Nepali origin Parijita Bastola has won the battle round of the American singing reality show ‘The Voice’.
A video posted on the Youtube channel of the singing reality show on Youtube shows Bastola beat two other competitors in the contest.
In a competition, Bastola, 17, impressed the judges by getting the better of two other singers from her team - The Marilynds - under Voice coach John Legend.
Legend suggested singing ‘How Deep Is Your Love’ by the Bee Gees for the battle round.
Singers Legend, Camila Cabello, Gwen Stefani, and Blake Shelton are the judges for the ongoing season of the show.
Bastola gave a performance that mesmerised all four judges. Legend even gave a standing ovation to their performance.
Looking at the audience, Blake Shelton, one of the show’s judges, commented: “Ladies and gentlemen, Parijita is 17 years old.”
He looked at the judges and added: “I loved the way Parijita walks out here with full confidence like, I’m here. And I’m about to blow your face off. Sorry.”
Another judge, Camilla Cabello, said, “Parijita you are a master of your voice at such a young age. It seems effortless and you have a gorgeous voice.”
“Your personality was coming out, and it was really beautiful. It’s so unique. It reminds me a lot of a 70’s singer-songwriter voice, and I love it,” said Gwen Stefani while looking at Bastola and then at Legend.
“There’s something where you just feel like you’re connected to who you are. And it’s just amazing that that amount of self-awareness, self-knowledge, and self-possession is coming from someone so young. And your voice is just phenomenal. It just feels so inviting.” said Legend before choosing Bastola as the winner of the Battles Round.
After winning the battle round, she entered the knockout round.
Seventeen-year-old Bastola, who lives with her family in the US state of Maryland, is getting massive support from the Nepali community.