Nepal Minute - out of the ordinary


Traffic has resumed on the Karnali Highway after 20 days of disruption due to floods and landslides triggered by recent incessant rains.

The 104km highway, which had been blocked from October 19-24, came into full operation from Monday night.

The resumption of the trunk road, connecting Karnali to the rest of the country overland, has brought relief to the people in the region. 

About 40 km section of the highway from Dailekhola to Jumla had been obstructed due to the flooding and landslides. This section of the highway falls under the jurisdiction of the Road Division Office, Jumla. 

The Road Division Office and the Nepal Army had been continuously working to open the 40-kilomtre section of the highway.

Chief of the Road Division Office, Jumla, Rajiv Shrestha said that more than 100 people were mobilised to open the road. The Nepali Army, Nandabaks Battalion had mobilised a team of 50 personnel to reopen the road. The battalion had set up a camp at Ranchuli to carry out the road work.

"We’ve managed to open the road faster than expected, bringing relief to the people of Karnali during Tihar,” Shrestha said. - RSS

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